Breakup Recovery Program

Empowering middle-aged individuals to swiftly overcome emotional, physical, and mental pain post-separation or breakup.

Forget your Ex

Embrace your inner strength and radiate confidence in your choices. You've let go of the past, and are now actively attracting all the amazing things that are meant for you!

The time spent together or the time it takes to heal doesn't define you. You can still...

The conversations we leave on the table.

Breakups are tough, but there's something especially embarrassing about letting loose when someone else ended things.

A breakup can leave anyone, regardless of their achievements or status, questioning themselves and their worth.

You never imagined you'd be the one tracking your ex's Instagram activity or checking out their new partner’s profile. You might find yourself comparing yourself to them, wondering what they have that you don’t.

Now, you're contemplating all the ways you could have been more easy-going or made compromises, thinking about all the things you could have changed to keep them. But trust me, that’s not the issue.

That’s where I come in. I’m here to interrupt those thoughts and guide you towards healing in a practical and effective way that goes beyond what any online resource can offer.

You can move on from your ex in three months or less, regardless of how long your relationship lasted.

The Hero's Journey Project

From Crying in the Kitchen to Kicking Butt: Your Mid-Life Makeover Guide to Rebuilding Yourself

Let's face it, the majority of breakup advice SUCKS

Smart people are frequently told to pursue healing methods that keep them trapped in a cycle of yearning for someone who is no longer worthy of their focus.


If you're feeling lonely, embarrassed, or down on yourself about how you've handled this breakup, here are some insights shared by my exceptionally wise clients:


  • They follow the advice to let time heal, but it doesn't mend all wounds.

  • They keep busy to distract themselves, but months or even years later, the pain persists.

  • They attempt no contact to avoid hurt, only to unblock and call repeatedly after a few drinks.

  • They comb through every self-help book, podcast, and meditation, searching for what's wrong with them

What those offering outdated advice fail to admit is that many of them haven't truly experienced a change and freedom from their own breakups.

  • stalking on social media

  • comparing themselves to the new partner.

  • Imagining fake conversations with their ex.

  • Worrying about 'what if' situations, such as 'what if he treats his new girlfriend the way I always wanted?

Those giving outdated advice often don't admit that many of them haven't truly overcome or found freedom from their own breakups.

Okay, here's the down low….

I’m getting some people during post-breakup together to show them exactly how to regain confidence in a very short period of time.

  • During a breakup, many individuals experience relentless mental, physical, and emotional distress due to internal instability, and that makes a real life struggle.

I’ve called this program Hero’s Journey Project, centers solely onnavigating the depths of the unconscious mind—the underworld—and posses it

  • I’ll work on getting you that on that internal stability. I’ll give you everything you need to make that happen, and nothing you don't.

  • No self-care. No social support. No time and space. No dramatic vision. And no tech. The only tool you'll need is you - a simple tool to help you through a breakup.

What we’ll work on:

the 3 biggest problems that stop men and women to get their life back: Mental chaos, Broken-heart, and weak body


It's like choosing between saying "I won't keep reminders of them around" and reducing the emotional attachment so that reminders can be present without affecting you.

Once your ex no longer occupies your thoughts constantly, you'll be free from them mentally and emotionally, allowing you to fully embrace the powerful person you're destined to be.

You're no longer emotionally tied to someone who walked away.

Whether or not they return in the future becomes inconsequential because true healing brings a deep sense of security. You confidently attract relationships that align with what you truly want and deserve.

First, let's remove the Chaotic mind

When you're unsure if you will recover or worried that you will experience that painful feeling forever, you'll be bogged down and unable to find fulfillment.

  1. We'll start with Soothe your soul - Breakup got you down? Rise from the ashes & become the hero of your story — making sure you understand the potency of your breath and thoughts. You can accelerate your transformation into the strong, resilient person you envision yourself becoming.

  2. Next, we'll explore your magnetic identity together. This journey isn't just about self-discovery; it's about reclaiming your empowered identity. We'll uncover the essence of who you truly are, demonstrating that a breakup was a chapter, not the whole story.

  3. Then, we'll work on molding your thoughts and the empowering meaning you give them. As we step into new phases of life, we'll rearrange your value system and attribute accurate meanings. You'll discover how to utilize your emotions to drive you onward. Even negative emotions play a vital role—they signal areas in your life that require change.

The result?

This confidence boost will make thoughts night-and-day different for you.

You'll be increase confidence and your ability to observe, identify and value who you are.

The second problem we'll solve together is a Broken heart.

Your brain goes on a wild rollercoaster ride from anger to sadness and back again, all while you feel like a deflated pool toy.
Your heart? Yeah, that feels like it got kicked in by a freaking dragon. But hey, at least there's a way to fix this mess, right? We'll get to that next.

4. This journey awakens your inner wisdom. Reconnect with your true self and create a powerful soulful connection. Imagine feeling whole – your culture, family, friends, and nature are all woven together. These ancient practices empower a life of deep harmony.

5. Emotional regulation... Don't sweat it, dude (or dudette)! This program's like a magic chill pill that'll have you saying "bye Felicia" to negativity in minutes. Learn awesome breathing tricks and sneaky mind hacks to transform your bad vibes into sunshine and rainbows. Peace out, stress, hello inner zen!

6. Extreme Confidence won't just magically appear, but it's like finding a hidden superpower! The more you explore yourself (think inner rockstar, not soul-searching!), the smoother things become. Plus, with a cool routine in place, you'll start seeing the world through rose-colored sunglasses (figuratively, of course) and feeling way more confident in no time!

So, you just got dumped.

Awesome, right?

Once you've truly healed, you no longer:


  • Feel a pang or reminisce when catching a hint of his favorite food taste.

  • Feel tempted to check up on them or who they are with now.

  • Worry about whether you said or did something wrong, or wore something he didn't like, because his opinions no longer hold sway over you.

Rather than attempting another outdated DIY method to get over your ex...

Right now, you're growing every day, and your emotional well-being is overflowing!

You didn’t come this far to stop

7. First up, We’ll together a specific hypnotic script to transform your eating patterns and guide you towards the direction you wish to pursue. With the potent coaching aimed at regulating your food intake and enhancing its quality, we can work together to achieve your goals.

8. Then we'll use the best practise to quickly work out how to make you sleep like a log. We'll set up a set of strategies to make you sleep, and

9. Finally, we'll use goal setting format to recreated your future — with no pressure or awkwardness. It's one of the most simple and efficient way to create your future, and even if you do a bad job at it, 60% of the goal that you planing to achieve will be

black blue and yellow textile

You didn’t come this far to stop

Confidence Boost

Read what our clients have to say about their journey.

I always had trouble with a racing mind and anxiety. It was suggested to me countless times that mindfulness and meditation would help me. I tried doing meditation on my own, listening to audio tapes, YouTube and I even attended a workshop that focused on mindfulness, meditation and breath work. Yet nothing I did ever worked. No matter what meditation I tried I could not stay focused and “present” my mind would be distracted every time. Then I was introduced to Diego by chance and was told I could sit in on his meditation session. I actually thought to myself there is no way this is going to work. Impossible! I did the session and for the first time ever I managed to listen to every word he said without getting distracted. That was a start. The second time I had the opportunity I did it again, but this time was different. It was the most relaxed I had ever felt and I ended up hypnotised by it. It’s hard to describe but it worked. Finally after years someone had slowed down my busy mind! Diego is someone you can trust, who is beyond experienced in what he does and teaches. I would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to try out meditation.

Carly Bates

Red Beach, Auckland

I was very keen to do a hypnosis session to help me deal with a difficult person in my life. Diego was very approachable and I felt comfortable discussing personal issues with him. He explained the process and his calm ING and gentle man er was reassuring. I was sent the recording. I would definitely recommend Diego to people. He is a very knowledgeable person and passionate about what he does. A beautiful soul who is good at what he does

Lisa Marie Love


"Did you know? Over 60% of relationships experience a significant breakup at some point. Don't go through it alone - I can help you heal and move forward."

I'm currently attending the "Hero's Journey" series of meetings. When I read the introduction to the course, I thought it was tailored just for me because I'm going through a significant period in my life where this theme resonates deeply with me. I signed up with curiosity and interest, but I must admit, also with a fair amount of skepticism...

However, we are doing such an INTERESTING job! Diego is competent and professional. The last session was very intense for me, and I can't wait for Wednesday for the next meeting!

Moreover, the following day, Diego even checked in on how I was feeling after the session, which is quite rare and something I appreciated a lot. Highly recommended 👍

Lidia Tamburino


I recently attended a breakup healing meditation session led by Mr. Oliverio. Initially anxious, I felt relaxed and at peace by the end. Mr. Oliverio’s kindness and detailed explanations about the connections between the body, heart, and mind grounded me. His soothing voice and empathetic demeanor created a safe space for healing. The session involved techniques to acknowledge and release pain, fostering self-compassion and tranquility. By the end, my anxiety had significantly decreased, replaced by a deep sense of calm. Overall, Mr. Oliverio's session brought me profound solace during a difficult time.

Eliza Thornberry

New York

Hi everyone,

I attended the two lessons on the Hero's Journey with Diego, and I found him very knowledgeable and competent. He has a lot of experience and can definitely help you in your spiritual and personal growth journey. I recommend getting in touch with him if you have things to work on. Cheers 🤙

Francesco Vozza


gray computer monitor

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Recover confidence after separation, transition from pain to confidence faster.