Hero's Journey Workshop
An inner/outer adventure to understand our life.
We invite you, your children and adolescents on a hero's journey!
What is a hero's journey?
It is a two hours adventure in the STUNNING and SAFE environment in Tawharanui Marine Park!
"The hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered, and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man. "
Joseph Campbell
In a PROTECTIVE contest, the kids, with PARENTAL PARTICIPATION will:
💥 learn how to increase the mind's MAGICAL power.
💥 Learn to use MEDITATION and visualization;
💥 explore their inner/outer world's CONNECTION;
💥Interpret the meaning of FAIRY TALES;
💥 investigate thoughts, feelings and EMOTIONS;
💥 Learn games to TRANSFORM their negative emotions and anxiety;
kids will be STIMULATED to develop:
💥emotional regulation;
💥inner CALM;
💥strategies for SELF-AWARENESS;
The hero's journey is an adventure to understand our life. Previously, our ancestors observed the world and, with simple words, described their observations to all their future generations. The stories of our descendants that passed from generation to generation contained precious and magical elements to solve life's difficulties. These tales have become mythological stories for adults and fairy tales for children. Goddesses and Gods, magicians, and warriors expressed joy, happiness, enthusiasm, strength, and kindness, all positive qualities. Dragons, witches, wizards, ogres, and monsters represented anger, fear, sadness, confusion, and all negative emotions. While magic potions, powerful items, swords, flying shoes and much more revealed an insight, a friend's support, a mother's hug, a father's encouragement, or the advice of a wise person.
Carl Jung (psychologist) and, lately, Professor Joseph Campbell developed the hero's journey, a template of stories that involve the hero facing adventure, overcoming adversity, and returning to ordinary life more potent than before. For example, in the tale of Hansel and Gretel, the two young kids are abandoned in the woods (Departure), fight with the witch (initiation), and return to triumphant homes (return). Kids love adventure, they are scared and attracted to the unknown, and they like to be triumphant. The kids and adults will get a "call", start the journey (initiation), fight the monsters and come home winners (return).
Children and adolescents want to understand their life events like their parents. The hero's journey is a SAFE adventure to help to discover what makes them happy or sad, kind or angry, calm or stressed or relaxed or anxious. In Tāwharanu, in nature, the images of the fairy tale can be easily represented with PARENTAL SUPPORT. Some SAFE and fun exercise, I will help the kids with some SAFE and fun activities to create their own fairy tales for the better. Kids love adventure, they are scared and attracted to the unknown, and they like to be triumphant. Parents love to see their kids happy and safe while learning.
"The heroes journey program was absolutely amazing... would so highly recommend it."
"it's definitely great introduction to the world of magick and connection to earth and sky 💚🌻💚 I really hope you create the magick school you mentioned as I'm sure it will be amazing and much appreciated by the community."
I'm Diego Oliverio (Diploma in Community Service, Bachelor in Psychology, Student of Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy.) Born in Savona, Italy. Father of beautiful Rumi, our 4 1/2-year-old sons.
Over the last decade, I have planned and managed my time studying, meditating (Zen Buddhism), working, and travelling. I have assisted people in planning intervention strategies, clarifying their goals, identifying barriers and overcoming issues.
I worked as Other Drugs (AOD) Support Worker and Youth worker in a different social and cultural contest in three countries (Italy, Great Britain and Australia). Finally, I offered intensive therapeutic support and supervision to youth with traumatic behaviour in institutional care facilities.

The Hero's Journey
All classic fairy tales for children have similarities and are very important for all children. They can understand reality and its dynamics through fairy tales and be prepared for life's events. The hero's journey is the individual's story of discovering ourselves and the universe. A crisis leads him/her to find a new world. The hero faces many difficulties during his journey on the threshold of the two worlds. Monsters, traps, witches and dragons are the characters to be defeated in his voyage. But the journey's conclusion sees the hero emerge from the long adventure transformed, winning and much more potent. His journey is divided into multiple phases: departure, initiation, and return.
The Call
The first step of the hero's journey is known as "the call." In our everyday lives, something unexpected occurs, causing a subtle shift in our perception. It's an invitation to the unknown. For example, in the movie "Pinocchio," his encounter with the Fox and the Cat symbolizes this call. They are portrayed as amoral scammers seeking pleasure without responsibility. Their dialogues are mundane, their movements erratic, their intentions malevolent, and their inner strength nonexistent. For Pinocchio, this marks the beginning of a painful yet enlightening journey into the unknown. For us, encountering challenging situations or individuals often serves as our first step into uncharted territory.
Refusal of the Call
The hero initially rejects the message from the world, offering various explanations such as fear, inadequacy, guilt, skepticism, or life circumstances. However, the intensity of the call keeps growing. Life loses its meaning, and negative consequences mount. "All he can do is create new problems for himself and await the gradual approach of his disintegration." In "Pinocchio," he refuses the call and ignores his conscience represented by his cricket and the fairytale. Consequently, Pinocchio faces a greater problem at the Amusement Park, where he's nearly transformed into a donkey for enslavement. This is Pinocchio's path towards self-destruction. When life speaks to us, we must act promptly to avoid descending into chaos.
Supernatural Aid
The hero decides to take responsibility for their quest, often unconsciously. Along the way, a supernatural mentor assists the hero during crucial moments, offering guidance, protection, and sometimes, a magical object. In Greek mythology, Perseus had to confront Medusa, a creature whose gaze turned people to stone. Athena, a Greek goddess, provided Perseus with a shield to reflect Medusa's gaze, preventing him from looking directly into her eyes. When we choose to take responsibility, the universe, in various forms, comes to our aid on our journey.
The Crossing of the First Threshold
Beyond this point, the rules and boundaries dissolve, leading the hero into the realm of the unknown, a dark place. "Beyond them is darkness, the unknown, and danger, just as beyond the parental watch is a danger to the infant and beyond the protection of society is danger to the tribe." In "Hansel and Gretel," after being abandoned in the dark forest by their parents, they cross the threshold from the known into the unfamiliar. We all encounter similar situations when unexpected events occur. These external events, our reactions, and inner experiences are often new and even terrifying.
Belly of the Whale
The "belly of the whale" represents the final stage of departure. It's where the hero delves deep into the underworld, facing increasing dangers and challenges. "The disappearance corresponds to the passing of a worshiper into the temple, where he is to be quickened by the recollection of who and what he is, namely dust and ashes unless immortal." Sometimes, when faced with powerful forces and unresolved issues, we enter the "belly of the whale," seeking help from mentors, therapists, or spiritual teachers. It's a phase of growth and suffering that ultimately leads to transformation.
The Road of Trials
The hero's transformation begins as they confront various challenges and trials. "Once having traversed the threshold, the hero moves in a dream landscape of curiously fluid, ambiguous forms, where he must survive a succession of trials." The hero may struggle and face setbacks, causing pain and a loss of hope. However, they receive assistance through advice, amulets, and support from mentors before embarking on their extraordinary journey. For instance, in "Aladdin," he becomes trapped in a cave while attempting to retrieve a treasure. After spending days in despair, he accidentally rubs a lamp, summoning a genie. Similarly, in our lives, when we're in desperate situations, close attention to our reality may reveal signs – be it a person, an object, or an event – that guide us on a new path.
The Meeting with the Goddess
The hero encounters an object or figure that aids them in their journey, often symbolizing the feminine, the Queen Goddess of the World. This meeting represents completeness, where the hero and the queen come alive. "The meeting with the goddess (who is incarnate in every woman) is the final test of the talent of the hero to win the boon of love (charity: amor fati), which is life itself enjoyed as the encasement of eternity." In "Sleeping Beauty," the prince's kiss awakens the princess, symbolizing the unity of masculine and feminine forces. In life, after enduring suffering, we achieve balance between these forces, like the union of Prakriti (spirit) and Purusha (matter) in the Bhagavad Gita. However, life events, such as karma, can disrupt this balance. Yoga, the path to reuniting these forces in India, teaches us the way.
Woman as the Temptress
The hero is tempted by the physical and pleasurable aspects of the world, often represented by a woman. This temptation can divert the hero from their transformative journey. This woman serves as a metaphor for materialism, pleasure, and lust, which may lead the hero astray. "The seeker of the life beyond life must press beyond [the woman], surpass the temptations of her call, and soar to the immaculate ether beyond." In "Sinbad," he encounters seductive water creatures on his quest, sent by the devouring mother to distract him and his companions. Similarly, when we set goals in life, family and friends may try to demotivate or obstruct us. However, with inner stability, their attempts are futile, and we continue our pursuit.
Atonement with the Father/Abyss
Atonement involves letting go of self-imposed limitations and attachments, which can be challenging. In "Pinocchio," he sacrifices himself to save his father, reuniting with his ancient culture, transcending the old superego's laws and the primal survival instincts of the id. When our governing laws become obsolete and oppress our primal instincts without acceptance, we must establish new behavioral patterns in such moments.
The hero reaches the culmination of their journey, a moment of profound realization. "Those who know, not only that the Everlasting lies in them, but that what they, and all things, really are is the Everlasting, dwell in the groves of the wish-fulfilling trees, drink the brew of immortality, and listen everywhere to the unheard music of eternal concord." This discovery leads to inner peace and serenity through the understanding that all events in our past lives have already transpired. These stories guide us toward inner calm and acceptance.
The Ultimate Boon
The hero achieves their goal, concluding their journey in the underworld. They discover a long-life elixir, treasure, or a metaphorical Philosopher's Stone. They comprehend the power of divine unity and embody it. "This is the miraculous energy of the thunderbolts of Zeus, Yahweh, and the Supreme Buddha, the fertility of the rain of Viracocha, the virtue announced by the bell rung in the Mass at the consecration, and the light of the ultimate illumination of the saint and sage." Having survived dramatic moments and permanent change, the hero's metamorphosis becomes a constant source of strength.
Refusal to Return
Blessing and enlightenment touch the hero, and there may be a reluctance to return to the ordinary world. However, every hero, through the grace of a divine entity or a human or animal guide, is enlightened. The hero must still return to the realm of humanity. Even Gautama Buddha, after experiencing Nirvana, had doubts about sharing it for the benefit of all living beings. These experiences are blessings and unions that only a few can describe and even fewer can fully comprehend or live.
The Magic Flight
If the hero has received magic items during their journey and has completed divine tasks, the gods and goodness allow them to bring the elixir of long life to their family and community for their benefit. Conversely, if the deities oppose the hero's mission and the delivery of the magical serum, the hero's return home becomes a complex journey filled with divine obstacles. Not everyone welcomes our success, and sometimes even when we're calm and peaceful, some people may attempt to harm us. However, if we remain stable within ourselves, their efforts are in vain, and we continue to soar.
Rescue from Without
After enduring dangerous realms, the hero may be injured and weary. On their journey into the unconscious world, they receive guidance and support from compelling characters. Therefore, upon their return, they may need help in the ordinary world. The hero requires guides for their reintegration into human society. In the Upanishads, it's written, "Who, having cast out the world, would wish to return again? He would be alone there." However, life draws us back to the presence of others. Love for people and their love for us attract us to them. We must celebrate, continue dreaming with them, and provide support.
The Crossing of the Return Threshold
Upon returning, the hero's life is profoundly affected by their experiences. Their task is to preserve the wisdom gained during their transformative journey and apply it to the ordinary world. The hero must maintain internal stability and share their knowledge and wisdom with the world. The hero's primary challenge is understanding the value of seemingly trivial life events. After delving into the magical depths of the unknown, they may question, "Why re-enter such a world? Why attempt to make plausible, or even interesting, to men and women consumed with passion, the experience of transcendental bliss?" Yet compassion compels the hero to return and convey the message of eternity to humanity. So, when a friend or family member is in pain, we don't leave them to suffer; we strive to improve their lives by immersing ourselves in the experience as much as possible.
Master of the Two Worlds
The hero has learned to balance the spiritual and material worlds, as well as the masculine and feminine forces. They comprehend how to master these interconnected elements at all levels of existence. The individual is transformed and capable of navigating life in all its manifestations. "Through prolonged psychological disciplines, [they] give up completely all attachment to [their] personal limitations, idiosyncrasies, hopes, and fears, no longer resisting self-annihilation." Like the apostles in the gospel of Jesus, they dedicate their lives wholeheartedly to a higher purpose, acting for the good of humanity with sincerity, honesty, and divine strength. Role models like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Gandhi, Joan of Arc, and many others inspire us with their sense of responsibility and joy.
Freedom to Live
The hero reaches a moment where they no longer fear the ever-changing nature of time, nor do they fear the next moment as if it will destroy the permanent. The past and the future are no longer separate; they belong to the present and its manifestations. Thoughts become tools for the present, imagination serves as a means to create a new future, and emotions provide strength to manifest dreams. The hero's body and actions are used to build the dreams of family, community, and humanity.