NLP: function, ecology and mind

Adjusting our Internal harmony eliminates confusion and gets us to know our unconscious response.

Diego Oliverio

1/31/20234 min read

FunctionNLP is a set of tools for personal, relational and emotional development. At first, it is helpful to change yourself and transform your life, but later it is essential to share your knowledge with others, such as in Buddhism. Buddhism is a practice with a double direction in which you go towards enlightenment while helping others. A Bodhisattwa is an idealistic figure that refers to anyone who has generated a compassionate mind for the benefit of all sentient beings. While studying NLP, it is crucial to formulate the intention of a Bodhisattwa, to maximize your life and formulate beneficial purposes for your inner and external world.

In another article, I mentioned the concept "the Map is not the territory", which means that you don't see the reality but the perception of the reality. Consequently, despite being independent individuals, you must always observe others as part of yourself. In line with your intention, you must rebuild your perception of reality and reorganize your thought process.

The better I know myself, the better I know the other.

Congruence. When you decide to change, you must be congruent - a profound and complete determination to achieve a goal at all costs. The resolution to make a remarkable shift must be intense, stable and durable if you want to hit your target. This will involve all aspects of your identity, values, beliefs, convictions and emotions.

Rapport, objective, NLP techniques, "future peace," and ecology. Once the inner congruence is set, you can prepare for the next step.

First, you must build rapport, which means establishing a stable and trusting relationship with the people you meet. Second, you must be clear about what you want to achieve. Third, you need to apply NLP techniques. Fourth, it would be best to use the "future peace" (a tool of NLP necessary to reshape the future) to create the desired future. Finally, the goal must be ecological so as not to cause negative consequences.


All parts of the individual's system and development process must work in harmony. When some elements work well and others do not, the actions do not let you reach the goals. Ecological control is an essential checking process for unwanted consequences when you undertake a pathway. The ecological control technique has various functions in NLP. When you decide and take action, the ecology of your choice is necessary to make sure that your projects will work without being blocked. Once you decide to reach a goal, the ecology ensures that this does not damage your social relationships. People are not harmed. Your behaviour will not be regretted in the future; and does not conflict with your values, identity, and beliefs. Alternatively, an internal conflict would lead you to self-sabotage and the inevitable pain.

Internal Ecology

Internal ecology refers to the actions you want to take, their formulation and their perception within yourself. Actions must produce an inner feeling of security and well-being. Overall, a pervasive sensation of improvement emerges in your body, and the mind develops a sense of unity and wholeness. Conversely, incongruity is not bad but indicates the need to review strategies. For example, suppose the consequences of our actions lead us to an unsafety inner state. In this case, you need more information, or you must reflect further on your choices.

The following questions are essential for internal ecological control:

What are the consequences of my actions?

What will I lose if I make this change?

What other things will I need to do?

Is it worth pursuing this path?

What will I get if I make this change?

What am I willing to do to make the change happen?

What are the positive aspects of the current situation?

How can I keep things upbeat while driving change?

During the ecological checking process, use your senses to check for inconsistencies. An unpleasant sensation in the body (often in the stomach). A visual incongruity (a feeling of disorganization and incompleteness) or an auditory incongruity (your thoughts are opposing "Yes but...."). Sometimes, there are intuitions aside; these can be listened to intervene where inconsistencies arise. On the other hand, if the sensations are too intense, they require clarification or a goal change.

External ecology

The system relations contains the external ecology, which, in turn, is defined by the internal ecology. External ecology concerns how decisions made affect relationships with people. Internal and external ecology is the whole of the same system. You can explore external ecology by asking yourself these questions:

How will I influence the lives of people close to me?

Are these choices against their values?How will people react to your decision?

Asking these questions and answering them is very important. It is possible to avoid negative consequences in the future or, even worse, a decline from the starting point.


NLP divides the mind into conscious and unconscious. The conscious mind refers to all events that occur in the present moment and of which the person is aware. The unconscious mind is, in NLP, all submerged in the individual of which he is not aware. It contains all the sensations, thoughts, emotions and resources necessary to take any direction. The submerged emerges and becomes aware only when the attention is shifted toward the unconscious.

In the unconscious mind, there are the beliefs and values ​​that guide people's lives in a completely automatic way. A sincere person does not need to think about how to be genuine; his behaviour, his words and actions will be manifestations of sincerity. In addition, physiology is also largely autonomous: the heart, digestion, neuronal connections, and respiration do not need any conscious intervention.

The conscious mind has the task of guiding the unconscious mind in people's lives. Often it fails because communication with it is uneven. When the decisions we make with the conscious mind reach the unconscious mind, the results people set for themselves come. Letting the unconscious mind guide your lives is not healthy because it could take us where you do not want to go. A good guide of the conscious mind and a balance of the two parts is the best path for the well-being of people.

NLP does not believe that the unconscious mind contains dangerous elements, such as trauma and repressed desires. At the same time, various forms of psychotherapy indicate the aspect of the unconscious as a potentially hazardous factor for an individual. NLP views the unconscious mind as a repository of resources ready to be used in our favour, even when they appear to be against us.

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